Salsa Dancing Tips
The best advice for anyone wanting to dance Salsa well is to practice practice practice. You need to dance with control and paying close attention to the timing, to the count of 8, from the music.
Fancy moves are great but done without timing are truly awful. Simple steps and turns done elegantly, and on time bring a finesse and flow to the dance like nothing else can. As a leader the guy should always make his intentions clear to the follower and the lady should always be watching the guys hands, looking for the gestures, taking the hands when offered and following the lead whilst keeping her timing. It is often said that it is the lady’s responsibility to keep the timing because if she is “on time” the leads will begin and end on time. Unless the leader is well-practiced he will likely be busy thinking about the move he is leading and how to lead into the next one.
Above everything, enjoy the dance; the chemistry of the dance with your partner. Eye contact is essential for this to happen properly.
Classes taught by professionals will go a long way towards improving your dancing immeasurably. Nowadays, post-pandemic full course online classes are very popular.